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Ant Download Manager won't intercept downloads from file hosts

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Ant Download Manager won't intercept downloads from file hosts Empty Ant Download Manager won't intercept downloads from file hosts

Post by CreativeG Tue 23 Jul - 16:34


Looks like Ant Download Manager can't intercept downloads from,, and a number of other file hosts.

Could you please fix that?

Thank you!

1) 2.12.0 (x64)
2) Windows 10
3) Firefox 115.11 (x64)
4) The problem occurs every time I try to download from one of the aforementioned sites
5) No message appears
6) It happens with all downloads
7) Here's what I do:

- Go the download page
- Select free download mode and click the Download button
- Wait for the counter to hit 0
- Click the generated link

Cool See my browser, and not Ant DM, begin to download the file

Last edited by CreativeG on Wed 24 Jul - 13:11; edited 3 times in total


Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 2024-07-23

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Ant Download Manager won't intercept downloads from file hosts Empty Re: Ant Download Manager won't intercept downloads from file hosts

Post by CreativeG Wed 24 Jul - 12:53

While waiting for a reply, I decided to experiment with different download options available in the program. As it turned out, one of the possible solutions to my problem was to go to Settings - File Types - Websites allowing no more than 1 connection per download and add the URL of the file host I was having trouble downloadfing from to the list. Unfortunately, it didn't work. Once I changed that setting, Ant DM started to grab virtually everything from those two sites (mostly HTML-files and pictures). And things didn't get any better after I checked the two boxes that said 'Do not grab this type of files from this website'. But iwhat really drove me nuts is that Ant DM simply wouldn't let me access any of the sites I added to the list.

Another option that I tried was right-clicking the download link and choosing 'Download with Ant Downloader'. It worked with keep2share and depositfiles; however, it failed to make any difference with filejoker and filefactory. And it didn't matter if I selected 'Download as one stream' or any other download options available in the dialogue window that popped up after I sent the link to Ant DM.

Overall, I'm deeply disappointed with Ant DM. The only good thing about the program is that it lets you download videos from Youtube (albeit with a few hiccups). Other than that, there's really no reason for me to continue to use it, let alone pay for it. I may change my mind, though, if the developer fixes all of the things I wrote about here and in my first comment.


Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 2024-07-23

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