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Strange Behavior

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Strange Behavior Empty Strange Behavior

Post by 919263 Sun 8 Mar - 17:28

So this has been working just fine, little issues here and there, but after the latest update to 1.17.2, things are not working as they are supposed to.
1)The downloads dont either start or do not finish: If it does not start, it just hangs for a while and then throws an error. If it starts, it gets stuck at 99% and then errors out.
2) On a page with a Video Link, it is picking up everything else other than the video.
I have tested this with a known file that I was able to download before.
3) Even if the option to delete a task after it finishes is selected, some completed downloads will stick and some will get deleted.

Features: Can you make it create a log file in the options, so that if later I have to see what all downloaded and what failed, I can see the log file>
Queue: Although I see the queues thingy in this, how do you use it? Normally, it should work like this:
I have set 3 simultaneous downloads as a time.
I should be able to add multiple files to the queues, and when one finishes out of the first 3, the next should start downloading by itself. I dont either see that or know how to make it work.

Finally: Can you make the older versions available on your site ( At Least 3 older if possible) so that we can download them.


Messages : 43
Date d'inscription : 2019-11-09

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Strange Behavior Empty Re: Strange Behavior

Post by antdm Mon 9 Mar - 6:18


Messages : 673
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

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Strange Behavior Empty Re: Strange Behavior

Post by khanyash Mon 9 Mar - 11:13

Just for the info, I have the latest stable version and Vivaldi browser, no issues here.


Messages : 70
Date d'inscription : 2019-03-11

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Strange Behavior Empty Re: Strange Behavior

Post by antdm Mon 9 Mar - 11:15

Please try 1.17.3 beta. Is there a problem?


Messages : 673
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

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Strange Behavior Empty Re: Strange Behavior

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