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Chrome - Could not move extension directory into profile

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Chrome - Could not move extension directory into profile Empty Chrome - Could not move extension directory into profile

Post by Jimbo93928 Wed 8 Aug - 20:50

AntDm was installed in Chrome and working properly. I installed Phoenix 360 on my machine and the AntDM extension disappeared from Chrome. I tried dragging the antCH.crx file into extensions and clicked add extension then I got the message "Could not move extension directory into profile". Any help would be appreciated.


Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 2018-08-08

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Chrome - Could not move extension directory into profile Empty Re: Chrome - Could not move extension directory into profile

Post by antdm Mon 13 Aug - 13:45

Currently we are experiencing problems with the Google WebStore.
Until WebStore unlocks our extension or suggests ways to solve the problem, we can not help our users.
Thank you for your understanding!


Messages : 673
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

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Chrome - Could not move extension directory into profile Empty Re: Chrome - Could not move extension directory into profile

Post by Jimbo93928 Mon 13 Aug - 20:49

I believe I have found the problem and corrected it. When I installed Iolo Phoenix 360 it came with a malware killer. The malware killer thinks DLHelper is malware and removes it from Chrome. I have now set it to exclude DLHelper as potential malware. I think and hope that has fixed the problem.


Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 2018-08-08

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Chrome - Could not move extension directory into profile Empty Re: Chrome - Could not move extension directory into profile

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