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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by jvidal Fri 27 Sep - 17:57

Hi! here I am reporting another problem. The thing is that when I copy URLs to the clipboard, AntDM fails to capture them about 70% of the time. sometimes it does, but most of the time it doesn't.
Can something be done about this?


Messages : 442
Date d'inscription : 2018-12-17

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by Penku Tue 24 Mar - 4:13

Me having similar problem even with the latest version of AntDM :'(


Messages : 6
Date d'inscription : 2018-12-20

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by jvidal Tue 24 Mar - 4:41

yes, it's very frustating. clipboard monitoring is almost non-working.


Messages : 442
Date d'inscription : 2018-12-17

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by antdm Tue 24 Mar - 6:01

A little comment.
From my own experience I can say that some softwares (for example Photoshop CS5.1 for me) buggy and impede the proper operation of clipboard. From time to time I have to reboot photoshop to system clipboard again began to work. This problem blocks the clipboard in all softwares.

Could you give examples of links that do not work clipboard capture?


Messages : 673
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by jvidal Tue 24 Mar - 18:37

I don't even have Photoshop installed.!
I can't give an specific example, it's almost all links copied to the clipboard. sometimes, it works, sometimes it doesn't and with the same URLs.
I mean One URL copied to clipboard may be catched one time, but not the next, the same URL.


Messages : 442
Date d'inscription : 2018-12-17

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by antdm Wed 25 Mar - 6:20

jvidal wrote:I don't even have Photoshop installed.!
I mean One URL copied to clipboard may be catched one time, but not the next, the same URL.

If you want to catch the clipboard the same link a few times, then! you should change the contents of the clipboard after the first time (copy another text), and then re-copy the link.

AntDM remembers the last copy the link and does not repeat its capture. This is done in order to avoid repeated capture error.


Messages : 673
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by jvidal Wed 25 Mar - 6:34

No, that's not what I mean. It might work one day, but not the next or 3 days later, and then work again 6 days later. Stuff like that, it totally inconsistent...


Messages : 442
Date d'inscription : 2018-12-17

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by antdm Wed 25 Mar - 6:44

I gave photoshop, as an example. Clipboard stops working with all programs.
In your case the clipboard capture does not work only in antdm?
The rest of the softwares is copypast to the clipboard?

If you restart AntDM, will it again capture the clipboard?


Messages : 673
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by jvidal Wed 25 Mar - 15:45

I have no problem copying stuff to/from the clipboard. It's andtdm not capturig urls copied to the clipboard. Of course, I can paste addresses from the clipboard to antdm's "new download" window. that works. it's the capturing that doesn't.


Messages : 442
Date d'inscription : 2018-12-17

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by antdm Wed 25 Mar - 15:49

If you restart AntDM, will AntDM сapture the clipboard again?


Messages : 673
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by Penku Wed 25 Mar - 16:38

Problem persist no matter how many times we try to restart AntDM, restart computer and restart browsers (chrome, mozilla, etc), uninstalled and re-installed add-ons or AntDM or browsers.


Messages : 6
Date d'inscription : 2018-12-20

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by antdm Wed 25 Mar - 16:43

Penku wrote:Problem persist no matter how many times we try to restart AntDM, restart computer and restart browsers (chrome, mozilla, etc), uninstalled and re-installed add-ons or AntDM or browsers.
In your case, it captures the clipboard does not work at all, never. So?


Messages : 673
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by jvidal Wed 25 Mar - 17:09

for me, it works, but only sometimes. it's completely random.


Messages : 442
Date d'inscription : 2018-12-17

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by antdm Wed 25 Mar - 17:27

jvidal wrote:for me, it works, but only sometimes. it's completely random.

for me it works annoyingly and I always disable it. It does not work sometimes when Photoshop works.
After restarting Photoshop the clipboard capture always restored for me.

Now I try not to turn off the capture clipboard for testing.


Messages : 673
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by Penku Thu 26 Mar - 1:32

antdm wrote:
Penku wrote:Problem persist no matter how many times we try to restart AntDM, restart computer and restart browsers (chrome, mozilla, etc), uninstalled and re-installed add-ons or AntDM or browsers.
In your case, it captures the clipboard does not work at all, never. So?
sometimes it works sometimes not...


Messages : 6
Date d'inscription : 2018-12-20

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by antdm Fri 27 Mar - 8:28

jvidal, Penku please try the latest beta. Is this problem resolved?


Messages : 673
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by jvidal Fri 27 Mar - 17:19

I'll try it, thanks!


Messages : 442
Date d'inscription : 2018-12-17

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by jvidal Sun 29 Mar - 3:29

FWIW, clipboard monitoring still not working.
I was trying to download the office installers, copied the URL to the clipboard, nothing happened. Had to manually add new download and paste the URL there. that does work.
This is the URL I was trying:


Messages : 442
Date d'inscription : 2018-12-17

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by antdm Sun 29 Mar - 7:06

I updated a new beta build and recorded test video. See it.
I after each selecting links press CTRL-C and get the download window. My test OS is Win10.x64
Perhaps you work in a different way.  What distinguishes my test from your work?


Messages : 673
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by jvidal Sun 29 Mar - 7:12

let's see. but I can tell you I'm not doing anything special. I just copy an URL to the clipboard, using ctrl-C and AntDM Fails to intercept it. that's all. Like IO sais, it works sometimes, sometimes it doesn't work at all.


Messages : 442
Date d'inscription : 2018-12-17

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by jvidal Sun 29 Mar - 7:14

oh, and BTW, I'm on Win7 x64. hate w10.


Messages : 442
Date d'inscription : 2018-12-17

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by jvidal Sun 29 Mar - 7:19

this new beta seems to work A LOT better. LEt's see how it goes.


Messages : 442
Date d'inscription : 2018-12-17

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by antdm Sun 29 Mar - 8:12

jvidal wrote:oh, and BTW, I'm on Win7 x64. hate w10.
yes, I agree,  my work OS and first test one is win7x64


Messages : 673
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by jvidal Sun 29 Mar - 8:18

Too bad not far from now, developers are going to start dropping support for win7 an we'll be forced to upgrade to w10...


Messages : 442
Date d'inscription : 2018-12-17

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

Post by jvidal Sun 29 Mar - 18:17

BTW, the new beta is capturing URLs copied to clipboard just fine. I wonder if there's a way to disable it for specific sites, youtube, for example. I use a different tool to download videos from yutoube and now antDM pops up every time I copy the URL of a video to the clipboard....or should i just close AntDM while I'm downloading videos?
Can I just add an exception, like for regular "click catching"?


Messages : 442
Date d'inscription : 2018-12-17

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clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time Empty Re: clipboard monitoring doesn't work most of the time

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