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Firefox losing focus to AntDM when starting

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Firefox losing focus to AntDM when starting Empty Firefox losing focus to AntDM when starting

Post by jaydear Sat 7 Jan - 1:15

The AntDM add-on for Firefox is taking focus away from Firefox
milliseconds after Firefox is started. Disabling the AntDM add-on
restores normal Windows behavior. This problem prevents AntDM from
starting a download by following a link from e.g. an email, if Firefox
is not already running. The loss of focus also interferes with Firefox shortcuts
such as Ctrl+B and Ctrl+H which have always worked after merely starting
Firefox, but obviously cannot if Firefox has lost focus.

--- System Information ---
OS:Windows 11 Pro (64)
Browser:Firefox 108.0.2 (64)


Messages : 36
Date d'inscription : 2018-04-16
Localisation : AU

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