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2.11.2, Keeps Crashing every few seconds. Both the X86 and the x64

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2.11.2, Keeps Crashing every few seconds. Both the X86 and the x64 Empty 2.11.2, Keeps Crashing every few seconds. Both the X86 and the x64

Post by 919263 Sun 17 Mar - 18:51

This is increasingly becoming an issue with every update.
2.11.2, tried both x86 and the x64, both keep crashing every few seconds, did a total uninstall and reinstall.
I asked this before, is there a debug option, at least we can provide you with the data for you to see what the heck is going on.

Although this has had stability issues for a while thru multiple versions, still it is one of the best apps out there. Thanks you for the work you are doing.


Messages : 43
Date d'inscription : 2019-11-09

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2.11.2, Keeps Crashing every few seconds. Both the X86 and the x64 Empty Re: 2.11.2, Keeps Crashing every few seconds. Both the X86 and the x64

Post by khanyash Wed 20 Mar - 7:21

No crashes here with the latest or previous versions. I have been using AntDM x64 with Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Vivaldi on Windows 11 with no issues.


Messages : 70
Date d'inscription : 2019-03-11

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2.11.2, Keeps Crashing every few seconds. Both the X86 and the x64 Empty Re: 2.11.2, Keeps Crashing every few seconds. Both the X86 and the x64

Post by antdm Sat 23 Mar - 7:58

Please provide a link to the test video that causes the crash.


Messages : 673
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

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2.11.2, Keeps Crashing every few seconds. Both the X86 and the x64 Empty Re: 2.11.2, Keeps Crashing every few seconds. Both the X86 and the x64

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