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Audio out of sync on dowloaded video

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Audio out of sync on dowloaded video Empty Audio out of sync on dowloaded video

Post by Methregul Sun 10 May - 11:28


I downloaded a video from (I'm not allowed to post a link yet) but when checking the download the audio is out of sync with the video by several seconds (right from the start all the way to the end of the video). Audio and video are in sync when playing directly from the website.

I've tried a regular download (default AntDM settings) and also tried the 'download on low speed' option. Both resulting in the out-of-sync audio. I'm interested to know if there's anything I can do to download the video correctly.

I'm using Antdm v 1.17.4 on Chrome (81.0.4044.138 (Official Build) (64-bit))


Messages : 7
Date d'inscription : 2020-05-10

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Audio out of sync on dowloaded video Empty Re: Audio out of sync on dowloaded video

Post by antdm Mon 11 May - 5:38

Try to change the conversion method -
Often pieces of video files between a poorly coordinated.
In some cases, AntDM internal converter better synchronizes video and sound, in other cases ffmpeg.exe.


Messages : 673
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

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Audio out of sync on dowloaded video Empty Re: Audio out of sync on dowloaded video

Post by Methregul Mon 11 May - 7:41

Thanks, I'll give it a try!


Messages : 7
Date d'inscription : 2020-05-10

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Audio out of sync on dowloaded video Empty Re: Audio out of sync on dowloaded video

Post by Methregul Mon 11 May - 8:08

I tried using the other method but the audio is, sadly, still behind the video. Is there anything else I can try?


Messages : 7
Date d'inscription : 2020-05-10

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Audio out of sync on dowloaded video Empty Re: Audio out of sync on dowloaded video

Post by antdm Mon 11 May - 8:30

Obviously you're downloading m3u8 video and it's highly out of sync.
Try your competitors - IDM, FDM, EagleGet....
You can leave a link to your video here. When I have some free time, I'll test it.


Messages : 673
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

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Audio out of sync on dowloaded video Empty Re: Audio out of sync on dowloaded video

Post by Methregul Mon 11 May - 13:55

I'll give some of those a try. The actual video I'm trying to download is locked behind a paywall, which makes sharing it a bit difficult (I'd rather not share my login details here). However, I've found a clip that is freely available. I've tried downloading that and it has the same issue. You can find it here (I'm not allowed to paste links yet so I had to insert some spaces): https:// www .solidtango .com/ the-music-industry-moves-online-and-is-there-to-stay/


Messages : 7
Date d'inscription : 2020-05-10

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Audio out of sync on dowloaded video Empty Re: Audio out of sync on dowloaded video

Post by antdm Mon 11 May - 16:09

added in TODO


Messages : 673
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

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Audio out of sync on dowloaded video Empty Re: Audio out of sync on dowloaded video

Post by Methregul Mon 11 May - 17:50

I have tried Eagleget but I clearly don't understand how it's supposed to work. The Eagleget sniffer has found more than a thousand video snippets and I can't figure out how to download all of them without manually clicking every single one of them. I'll give IDM a try.


Messages : 7
Date d'inscription : 2020-05-10

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Audio out of sync on dowloaded video Empty Re: Audio out of sync on dowloaded video

Post by Methregul Mon 11 May - 19:58

Just tried IDM and luckily that's a lot more foolproof, which is to say I managed to get it to work. It also downloaded the video with the audio correctly in sync.
So, as far as I'm concerned, I now have what I was looking for. Thank you for your help.


Messages : 7
Date d'inscription : 2020-05-10

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Audio out of sync on dowloaded video Empty Re: Audio out of sync on dowloaded video

Post by khanyash Tue 12 May - 9:21

Methregul wrote:I'll give some of those a try. The actual video I'm trying to download is locked behind a paywall, which makes sharing it a bit difficult (I'd rather not share my login details here). However, I've found a clip that is freely available. I've tried downloading that and it has the same issue. You can find it here (I'm not allowed to paste links yet so I had to insert some spaces): https:// www .solidtango .com/ the-music-industry-moves-online-and-is-there-to-stay/
Do you mean the "Blackbox - teaser" video in the above mentioned link?

I have the latest stable AntDM. I tried the 240p & 720p quality, the video/audio sync is fine.


Messages : 70
Date d'inscription : 2019-03-11

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Audio out of sync on dowloaded video Empty Re: Audio out of sync on dowloaded video

Post by Methregul Tue 12 May - 12:54

khanyash wrote:Do you mean the "Blackbox - teaser" video in the above mentioned link?

I have the latest stable AntDM. I tried the 240p & 720p quality, the video/audio sync is fine.

That's the video, yes. Interesting to know that it downloaded ok for you. I noticed yesterday in the chat area for the video I tried to download that several other people also had issues with the sync when using AntDM whilst others did not. The chat area blamed this on people using the default Windows 10 media player, claiming that the issue did not exist when using Potplayer or VLC. Of course I tried both Potplayer and VLC on my downloads but the audio was out of sync there as well.

Somehow there's something that appears to influence the download for some and not for others. I don't claim to know what that something is and understand that it might complicate troubleshooting. Thank you for checking into it as well, by the way.


Messages : 7
Date d'inscription : 2020-05-10

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