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AntDM crashing when started from a link

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AntDM crashing when started from a link Empty AntDM crashing when started from a link

Post by jaydear Wed 20 May - 7:51

I have set up Windows 8.1 64 bit on a PC that was running Windows 7 32 bit. All was OK with AntDM in Win 7.   I can start AntDM in Win 8.1 and it has integrated with Firefox 76.0.1 just fine.

If I click a link in Firefox or an email, AntDM opens, looks like it's starting the d/l then crashes. After that there's a loop of "restart prog - crash - close prog - restart prog - crash - close prog, etc, etc.".

Here's a crash report:
Problem signature:
 Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
 Application Name: AntDM.exe
 Application Version:
 Application Timestamp: 5ebe315a
 Fault Module Name: AntDM.exe
 Fault Module Version:
 Fault Module Timestamp: 5ebe315a
 Exception Code: c0000005
 Exception Offset: 001628a2
 OS Version: 6.3.9600.
 Locale ID: 3081
 Additional Information 1: 1773
 Additional Information 2: 1773a940dc3cd9c47dee6b63310e70d1
 Additional Information 3: 8d6c
 Additional Information 4: 8d6c2eafc316df1b67cb85366da86a2d

Last edited by jaydear on Thu 21 May - 8:30; edited 1 time in total


Messages : 36
Date d'inscription : 2018-04-16
Localisation : AU

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AntDM crashing when started from a link Empty Re: AntDM crashing when started from a link

Post by jaydear Thu 21 May - 8:28

I uninstalled and reinstalled AntDM, then worked slowly (and it is a slow process) through the settings using a handwritten list. Today it is working without crashing. Will it work tomorrow? I think: Yes, probably.


Messages : 36
Date d'inscription : 2018-04-16
Localisation : AU

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AntDM crashing when started from a link Empty Re: AntDM crashing when started from a link

Post by antdm Thu 21 May - 8:58

Please install the latest beta
fixed app crash when download capture occurs


Messages : 673
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

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AntDM crashing when started from a link Empty Re: AntDM crashing when started from a link

Post by khanyash Thu 21 May - 21:33

The latest beta fixed the crash issues.


Messages : 70
Date d'inscription : 2019-03-11

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AntDM crashing when started from a link Empty Re: AntDM crashing when started from a link

Post by jaydear Sat 23 May - 8:35

Yes, thank you very much. V1.19.0 is fine too.


Messages : 36
Date d'inscription : 2018-04-16
Localisation : AU

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AntDM crashing when started from a link Empty Re: AntDM crashing when started from a link

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