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Videos Downloads First 3:40

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Videos Downloads First 3:40 Empty Videos Downloads First 3:40

Post by vitreda Fri 10 Jul - 21:36

Thank you for the great software.

I am using the newest version of Ant Download Manager and downloads the first 3 minutes and 40 seconds.
The jw-player used by the website shows the full video.
MP4 MPEG-DASH protocol.
I warn you, because the site has country-specific restrictions, so not all videos will be able to test you.


Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 2020-07-10

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Videos Downloads First 3:40 Empty Re: Videos Downloads First 3:40

Post by antdm Sat 11 Jul - 10:01

Thank you for your notification!

Really, I don't have access to many videos from your site list, but I was able to do tests from

I uploaded 1.19.3.beta with appropriate fixes. Please try this version.
Is the full length video downloading now of course, if the video has free access?


Messages : 673
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

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Videos Downloads First 3:40 Empty Re: Videos Downloads First 3:40

Post by vitreda Sun 12 Jul - 18:51

To access, you need to install plugins from in your browser.

Downloading well all except for the first 10 seconds, which reason lose.

I noticed an even more mistake:
FFMPEG was used, then the audio track goes out of sync with the video and lags behind the video.
The audio track fails to save, sends without any completion.
An audio track fails to capture and display if there is more than one.

I also have a suggestion for the program to be able to download multiple audio tracks to the video at once, which is convenient because it is not clear which audio track is attached to the video, and such audio and subtitle tracks can be saved in an mp4 file.


Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 2020-07-10

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