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Bug when "close the blank tab..." option is enabled

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Bug when "close the blank tab..." option is enabled Empty Bug when "close the blank tab..." option is enabled

Post by jvidal Fri 3 Mar - 17:39

Like the title says, when the option to close the empty tab that opens with some downloads is enabled, it sometimes closes the current tab, especially when no blank tab opens for a download.
want proof? check this page:

same thing happens here

click one of the links and Antdm will close the page.
this is a really old bug, I just had forgotten about it until I switched to the 64 bit version and left this option enabled (I had disabled it a long time ago while using the 32 bit version)


Messages : 442
Date d'inscription : 2018-12-17

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Bug when "close the blank tab..." option is enabled Empty Re: Bug when "close the blank tab..." option is enabled

Post by jvidal Sat 4 Mar - 17:19

this is starting to get really annoying, sometimes AntDM closes the tab even BEFORE the download starts.
this happens mostly when you click two download links almost simultaneously using the middle button. Two tabs open, one starts downloading and the other doesn't even start, because Ant closes it before it can start.

I reeeeeeeeeally hope this can be sorted out!


Messages : 442
Date d'inscription : 2018-12-17

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Bug when "close the blank tab..." option is enabled Empty Re: Bug when "close the blank tab..." option is enabled

Post by jvidal Thu 9 Mar - 16:59

Any chanche of fixing this issue?


Messages : 442
Date d'inscription : 2018-12-17

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Bug when "close the blank tab..." option is enabled Empty Re: Bug when "close the blank tab..." option is enabled

Post by antdm Thu 9 Mar - 17:56

Do not use this feature. Turn it off in settings.


Messages : 673
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

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Bug when "close the blank tab..." option is enabled Empty Re: Bug when "close the blank tab..." option is enabled

Post by jvidal Thu 9 Mar - 22:24

Oh, that is what I did, but it should be fixed nonetheless, don't you think?


Messages : 442
Date d'inscription : 2018-12-17

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Bug when "close the blank tab..." option is enabled Empty Re: Bug when "close the blank tab..." option is enabled

Post by antdm Fri 10 Mar - 3:26

Chrome tabs are created in such a way that it cannot be said with full certainty that this is an empty tab and can be deleted.


Messages : 673
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

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Bug when "close the blank tab..." option is enabled Empty Re: Bug when "close the blank tab..." option is enabled

Post by jvidal Fri 10 Mar - 3:33

well, maybe then this feature should be removed altogether, since it's pretty much useless.
PS: I'm experiencing the issue in Firefox, not chrome.


Messages : 442
Date d'inscription : 2018-12-17

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Bug when "close the blank tab..." option is enabled Empty Re: Bug when "close the blank tab..." option is enabled

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