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debrid gone wrong? confused?

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debrid gone wrong? confused? Empty debrid gone wrong? confused?

Post by Nanja Sun 16 Apr - 10:11

The very last message about debrid in change log on website says (28.04.2021)

updated the Debrid (Premium Link Generator) support is added only when AntDM is installing

So I uninstalled the regular version and delete all files related to AntDM. I installed the x64 version and don't get debrid option on install.
I thought maybe x64 doesn't support debrid, it's not written in logs.. So I do it again with the x86 version, still no debrid option.

I was getting irritated, so I reformatted my pc, did both x86 and x64 and still no debrid. I forgot to backup some files so slightly annoyed.

Then I read a post that you guys don't have debrid anymore, because no interest. I feel that people are getting more interested in it now a days.

If you remove an option that big, you should add it to change logs. To prevent them from doing what I did.


Messages : 4
Date d'inscription : 2022-03-25

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debrid gone wrong? confused? Empty Re: debrid gone wrong? confused?

Post by antdm Sun 16 Apr - 16:15

There is a lot of trouble with debrids support, but in fact it turned out that this feature is very little in demand.


Messages : 673
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

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