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Question: what does "timeout" mean in "Connection" -settings

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Question: what does "timeout" mean in "Connection"  -settings Empty Question: what does "timeout" mean in "Connection" -settings

Post by r0n Thu 2 Sep - 19:44

What does "Timeout" mean in "Connection Properties"?

If for example HTTP connection is set to 45 seconds (like image below):
- Does this mean it waits 45 seconds when download is interrupted before retry?
- Or if number of repeats is set to 5 (like image below) and after the 5th repeat a 45 second wait will result in error?

Question: what does "timeout" mean in "Connection"  -settings Timeou10


Messages : 6
Date d'inscription : 2021-03-02

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Question: what does "timeout" mean in "Connection"  -settings Empty Re: Question: what does "timeout" mean in "Connection" -settings

Post by antdm Fri 3 Sep - 9:24

r0n wrote:
If for example HTTP connection is set to 45 seconds (like image below):
- Does this mean it waits 45 seconds when download is interrupted before retry?
- Or if number of repeats is set to 5 (like image below) and after the 5th repeat a 45 second wait will result in error?

This means that AntDM waits up to 45 seconds for a response from the server and then terminates the connection. If the server responds at 46 seconds, AntDM will not accept its response.
And so five times for 45 seconds.

In a way, these settings are anachronistic for today's fast broadband networks and you should not be thought about, but in cases where the Internet is not too fast or a VPN is in use, they do make sense.

Also, in order to optimize some video downloads, AntDM may use the internal timeout value.


Messages : 673
Date d'inscription : 2017-08-14

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Question: what does "timeout" mean in "Connection"  -settings Empty Re: Question: what does "timeout" mean in "Connection" -settings

Post by r0n Fri 3 Sep - 16:34

Thank you, I understand now!

This is a major plus compared to other download managers, they do not seem to have this kind of setting.

I sometimes have to download from sources which disconnects some downloads for some reason, in firefox I then have to find the failed download manually and retry them manually. This feature in ANT could save me a lot of time.

I hope you keep this feature in ANT because it seems that firefox will not implement an auto-retry in the near future and other download managers do have auto-retry but it can't be set like ANT (tried: IDM, Freed download manager, Down them all...)


Messages : 6
Date d'inscription : 2021-03-02

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Question: what does "timeout" mean in "Connection"  -settings Empty Re: Question: what does "timeout" mean in "Connection" -settings

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